A broken Sapphire Radeon HD 4850 somehow ended up in my possession. I didn’t know what was the problem, so I tried to plug it in in a mobo I just had lying around, running the nightly oneiric.
The card showed up fine in lspci
. I didn’t try using it with the open-source
drivers, as I’m not interested in putting a display on it. Instead I wanted to
play around a little with OpenCL, so I went for the closed-source Catalyst
driver. (This was a few days ago, when 11.6 was the newest version around - I
haven’t tried it with the latest 11.7 or with the 11.8 preview versions.)
The driver didn’t start, X choked on this error:
(EE) PPLIB: PP_Initialize() failed.
Since the driver is not open-sourced, googling around didn’t reveal any usable
source code on PP_Initialize. So I turned to objdump
$ objdump -CRd fglrx_drv.so
This revealed a few things about PP_Initialize
. (I don’t think I should post
any dumps here, as I believe that would violate copyright laws.) I assumed it
returns a status code, so I tried overloading it and returning a different
status code instead:
$ gcc -shared -fPIC -o preload.so preload.c -ldl
$ LD_PRELOAD="`pwd`/preload.so" startx
This will start the X server but with our library preloaded. With a status code of zero, the server now continued the loading of the driver, but of course other errors have emerged. So I ended up overriding a couple more functions.
I was wondering if maybe PPLIB
is part of the code that manages
PowerPlay functions, and if maybe just disabling it all and setting the
fan speed manually to 100% would give me a result.
Well, I was wrong. The only thing I gained was some experience with objdump
reverse-engineering, some C and assembly. After disassembling the card itself,
I noticed that one of the conductors on the GPU seemed to be burned out -
probably causing card initialization to fail.
I also learned that when pre-loading with LD_PRELOAD
, the overriding function
should accept the same number of arguments as the overriding function,
otherwise crap will be left on the stack, messing up the rest of the code. To
figure out how many parameters a function takes, it is usually enough to fund
it in the objdump
output, look at the assembly, and count how many things are
popped off the stack before returning.
The pops usually occur around the top of the function body, just before the
statement, so no need to follow any jumps. Note to discard stack pointer
registers, %ebp
and/or %esp
Another thing I’ve learned playing around with GPUs is the fact that X has to
be running in order for OpenCL to work on a card. No displays are necessary,
but the Device
sections in xorg.conf
need to reference the proprietary
drivers (as the open-source ones don’t provide OpenCL support at the moment).