2011 a][rtsprint Vienna

The artsprint was a one-week Python/Pyramid/Node sprint at the ]a[ Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna. 27 Participants were mostly BDA people, with the addition of some other Python enthusiasts.

Buttons, yay!

We’ve been working on a stack of libraries that most of use on a daily basis, focusing mainly on writing documentation, fixing tests, and converting the whole stack from repoze.bfg to Pyramid.

And we even had a button machine.

As a result, we:

  • released Plumber 1.0 (an alternative to mixin-based extension of classes)
  • updated Node, Yafowil (and its widget libraries) and cone.* to Pyramid
  • improved the documentation of the stack
  • set up a buildbot to run periodical & on-demand unit-tests and code checks
  • worked on agx
  • had some productive discussions
  • met new friends & did some key signings
  • spent some quality time at the Metalab
  • had loads of fun in Vienna!

Metalab in Vienna Metalab in Vienna. Picture: Wikipedia.